
Career Transition Coaching

  • Are you where you want to be in your career?

  • Do you feel fulfilled and excited by your job?

  • Does the trajectory in front of you excite and propel you?

If you’ve answered no to these questions, you are not alone.

For most of my clients, the career they've landed in is not living up to their expectations. 

Sound familiar?


Taking a step back to examine your career can feel unsettling.

But life is too short to have a career that sucks the life out of you. If you live for the weekends, if you spend more time disgruntled with life than you do living it, then it’s time to make work work for you.


I partner with my career coaching clients over a period of four months, as you gain clarity about what you actually want, access the courage and confidence to go for it and then, together, create the steps to bring it into reality (finally!)

Are you ready to take Your Logical Leap™?
Let’s connect today. 

​I want to thank Julie and her coaching program for helping me navigate the process of uncovering the next chapter of my career.

Working with Julie was invigorating. She helped me identify a new professional role and prepared me to take on my newest chapter. I will forever be thankful for the invaluable frameworks that Julie provided, and I gained so much value and support along the way.”